Essential Functions:
Demonstrate Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy
- Create lesson and unit plans that support instructional outcomes and reflect important concepts in the discipline
- Create lesson and unit plans that accommodate prerequisite relationships among concepts and skills
- Provide clear and accurate classroom explanations
- Provide accurate answers to students’ questions
- Provide feedback to students that furthers learning
- Work with colleagues to assure interdisciplinary connections are planned and practiced
- Ensure educational outcomes are of a challenging cognitive level, central to the discipline, allow student choice, use varied resources, allow for thoughtfully planned learning groups and interdisciplinary in nature
- Ensure alignment of outcomes, activities and skills
- Ensure assessments adequately measure student mastery of presented content
- Plan and implement instructional outcomes which allow differentiation for students of varied abilities
Create an Environment of Respect and Rapport
- Encourage and model respectful talk, active listening and turn taking
- Acknowledge students’ backgrounds and lives outside of the classroom
- Exhibit body language indicative of warmth and caring to students
- Encourage and model politeness and support for all community members
- Encourage and model fairness in all interactions
Establish a Culture for Learning
- Encourage high expectations, supported through both verbal and nonverbal behaviors, for both learning and participation
- Encourage and recognize effort and persistence on the parts of students
- Create a culture that promotes high expectations for expression and work products
- Establish smooth functioning classroom routines with little or no loss of instructional time
- Create classroom routines where students play an important role in carrying out the routines
Utilize Effective Instructional Strategies
- Create and pose questions of high cognitive challenge which have been formulated by both students and the teacher
- Create and pose questions with multiple correct answers or approaches, even when there is a single correct response
- Effectively utilize student responses and ideas
- Facilitate and encourage high levels of student participation in student led discussion
- Encourage and support student enthusiasm, interest, thinking, problem solving, etc.
- Create learning tasks that require high-level student thinking and invite students to explain their thinking
- Create an environment where students are actively “working” rather than watching while their teacher “works”
- Create effectively paced lessons
- Gathers and uses evidence of student understanding to information instruction and remediation
- Assists students in assessing their own work against established criteria
Display Professionalism and Commitment to the Audubon Community
- Reflect and refine instruction based on feedback from others and self-reflection
- Create systems and routines that track student metrics to improve both academic and socio-emotional outcomes
- Maintain accurate documentation of student progress
- Frequently and in a way that is culturally appropriate, communicate with families regarding the program and student progress
- Cultivate positive two-way communication between school and families
- Create frequent opportunities for families to engage in the learning process
- Regularly work with colleagues to share and plan for student success
- Participate in professional development opportunities that emphasize improving practice
- Regularly participate in or initiate school activities which further the mission of the school
- Regularly participate in or initiate activities which emphasize community service
- Supports students even in the face of difficult situations or conflicting policies
- Fulfills organizational mandates regarding policies and procedures
Education, Training and Experience:
- Bachelor’s degree required
- Certification or ability to gain certification as a Teacher in instructional area
- Experience creating and successfully managing a classroom environment
- Experience in and/or understanding of the public school system including charter schools is desirable
- Master’s degree in education or related field
- Montessori or National Board Certification
- Certification in multiple instructional areas
Audubon Schools is a public charter school located in the uptown area of New Orleans, serving students in grades Pre-K(3) through 8. An “A” rated public school, Audubon also boasts an accredited French school, membership in the American Montessori Society (AMS) and Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE) and distinction as a Certified World Language Immersion site. Audubon is also the site of a Confucius Classroom supported through a joint effort of Xavier University’s Confucius Institute and HANBAN.