The student population comprises Pre-Kindergarten thru Eight Grade and Special Education. New Orleans East is our primary attendance district, but includes children from throughout Orleans Parish. Our population matriculates from all areas of the city inclusive of the Eastbank and Westbank.
The “School Designed” instructional program implemented at Moton School focuses on providing its students with a comprehensive background in basic skills with an emphasis on the teaching of higher order thinking skills and concepts which lead to grade-level placement. A “Grade Level Scope and Sequence” for each grade level grades Pre-Kindergarten through Eighth, that allow for sequential learning of standards and benchmarks, has been developed. With the use of specific grouping techniques, students receive more individualized instruction. We use Opening the World of Learning, Wit & Wisdom, and Eureka Math tier 1 curricula. In addition to the regular program, specialty teachers work as a major component with the classroom teachers and students to provide instructional enrichment and enhanced learning experiences.
Music, Dance, Choir, Computer, and Art classes are provided throughout the day in specialty rooms designed for that specific area as well as in individual classrooms in conjunction with our school’s focus on “performing arts.” These classes are also included in our after-school program. An instrumental music program is offered for those students who are desirous of learning to play an instrument and participate in the school band. After-school instruction is provided that focuses on activities in the areas of reading, mathematics, computer, dance, and arts and crafts.